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The Reason Why Bean Sprouts and Seed Sprouts are Unsafe

Posted: 10/05/2017


The question we often get asked the most in our classes is: "Why are bean sprouts and seed sprouts unsafe?" According to, it's because of how bean sprouts and seed sprouts are grown. These foods need warm, wet, humid conditions in order to sprout. Warm, wet, humid conditions also lead to the sprouting of harmful pathogens such as Salmonella, Listeria, and E. coli. 


There is always a risk when consuming raw bean sprouts and seed sprouts. High risk populations such as the eldery, pre-school children, and people with compromised or weakened immune systems should avoid the product entirely. If you still wish to eat these products, it is recommended to add them in while you are cooking. For example, you can incorporate bean sprouts into a stir fry.


To learn more about bean sprouts and seed sprouts, register for one of our ServSafe Food Protection Manager Certification courses. In the course, we cover these foods as well as other potentially hazardous foods. 


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