Management Recruiting and Job Posting Services
"Your Online HR Office"

09-23-15 Class Feedback

Posted: 09/23/2015

"I hope this message can get into the right hands. On September 16th I attended the ServSafe Protection Manager Certification held in Pembroke, NH. The trainer for that day was Breanne Mullen. My reason for writing is to express how impressed I was with Ms. Mullen. I’ve been to many trainings, workshops, etc. in my career but I don’t recall any that I found as well presented and genuinely informative as this one. Ms. Mullen was engaging, energetic and knew her subject matter thoroughly. When often I have walked away from trainings feeling like my day could have been better spent; I walked away from this experience feeling better informed, better prepared and genuinely motivated to get back to work and apply what I had learned that day. I hope my appreciation can be shared with Ms. Mullen, her supervisor and anyone else that should be made aware. I look forward to a continued relat ionship with HRFoodSafe and to taking advantage of the service offered for future needs. Kudos for a job well done." -Don

Great job Breanne!

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