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The FDA Seeking Comments Regarding Naming Retailers During Recalls!

Posted: 09/27/2018

The FDA may be implementing a policy change that would mean the release of retailer names and locations that receive recalled food notices so consumers can more easily identify it. The current policy prohibits the release of this informaiton due to “confidential” business relationships.

To read the full policy change draft, please visit the site below.…/Recalls/IndustryGuidance/UCM621668.pdf

The comment period on the proposed policy change and guidance is open for 60 days. Anyone who wants to submit comments and suggestion can submit them electronically at:

Please visit the link below to read the full article.



FDA moves toward releasing retailer lists during food recalls; seeks comments | Food Safety News

The FDA may begin releasing lists of retailers that receive recalled food so consumers can more easily identify it. Agency policy has prohibited the releas


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