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Happy National Food Safety Education Month!

Posted: 09/02/2022

Welcome to the HRFoodSafe blog! We've taken a few months hiatus and knew that September was the perfect time to re-invigorate this platform because…September is National Food Safety Education Month! Throughout the month, this blog, our social media platforms, and our weekly newsletters will be highlighting different ways that food safety education can help you and your teams.

The goal is to create a comprehensive culture of food safety – training, education, repetition, helpful tools, and lots of support are the ways we can make the food industry a better, safer place. The goals of reducing bad habits and cases of foodborne illness outbreaks are what it’s all about.

This first week of NFSM, ServSafe® has released a lot of information with the focus on the food handler and going back to the basics. There are accompanying posters, papers, tools, and reviews with each new focus every week. Check out the Week One info here, and make sure to visit our blog regularly for links to it all. If you’re interested in joining our weekly newsletter (where we also usually have a fun giveaway or special class rate), please click this link!

Thanks for reading, and for being part of the HRFoodSafe community – we look forward to helping you Keep It Safe!

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