Management Recruiting and Job Posting Services
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September means “Back to School”

Posted: 09/09/2022






After Labor Day, the weather here in the northeast changes – the humidity drops, the rain (usually) picks up a bit, and everything starts to cool down. It’s also the sign that school is back in session! While many of us are long finished with heading to a classroom every day, it doesn’t mean that our education is done – there is always important information to learn, and staying current with the latest food safety science is essential to our roles as managers in the food industry. Joining one of our classes, or scheduling a private class for your team, is just one way to take active control of food safety issues in your facility.

The ServSafe® Food Protection Manager Certification is valid for 5 years, but even after passing the exam…our food safety education continues. Not only do we focus on good practices and repetition in the kitchen on a daily basis, but we have to stay apprised of any scientific changes within our certification period. Make sure you and your teams are certified and ready to go for the busy holiday season (that will be here before we know it!) – check out our website for more information and our current class list.

As always, thank you for letting us help you Keep It Safe!

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