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Utilizing our Food Safety Management Systems

Posted: 09/14/2022

Week 3 of National Food Safety Month is designed with multi-unit managers in mind. When running and operating multiple sites, a manager's job increases tenfold - lots of training, food safety, daily logistics, and balancing the needs of all employees. However, even if you're managing a single site, the food safety management systems discussed in this week's Food Safety Focus blog are still 100% useful to you and your operation!


Having standardized procedures, checklists, training and monitoring, and reducing risk factors of foodborne illness are at the top of all our lists! The whole team has to be on board to make these systems work, and our facilities as safe as possible. Make sure to take a look at the Week 3 blog here, where there are links to tips for empowering food safety practices with your team, as well as a free e-book about strengthening your food safety management systems.


Stay tuned for the final week of National Food Safety Month! There are a lot more resources on the way!

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