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Traceability under the Food Safety Modernization Act

Posted: 11/18/2022

On Tuesday November 15th, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced the “additional traceability recordkeeping requirements” that had been finalized “for those that manufacture, process, pack, or hold certain foods, including fresh leafy greens, nut butter, fresh-cut fruits and vegetables, and ready-to-eat deli salads.” By working with entities that produce, harvest, store, and ship the above items, the FDA is confident that this new rule will ensure a reduction of foodborne illness across the United States.

The three big takeaways from this rule are:

  • Required tracking of critical data at specific points, such as harvesting, cooling, packing, shipping
  • Detailed information for regulators so comprehensive understanding of the new rule is in place
  • Proof of recordkeeping to the FDA within 24 hours when requested or required

This new rule is all part of the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act, and hopes to move traceability into a more modern, technology driven arena. To read more, you can read a great article at Food Safety News, or head over to the FDA site to read about the rule directly.

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