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FDA and Improving Food Safety

Posted: 10/31/2023

The FDA has been working to have a larger focus on creating a more “modernized, effective foods program at the US Food and Drug Administration focused on preventing food-borne illness outbreaks and other food safety risks.” Since about 80% of all food consumed in the US falls under FDA regulation, the push for policy education, improving transparency, and implementing meaningful change is currently at the top of the priority list. After a recent external review of the organization, current Commissioner Robert Califf is working to adopt the recommendations through the FDA Food Coalition.

Moving from a reactive to proactive based model is a difficult one, but incredibly important to providing safe food for US consumers. Food safety, nutrition programs, decisions rooted in scientific evidence, and focus on ensuring resources are available to modernize our food safety programs are all part of the current push by the FDA Foods Coalition to improve the FDA’s Human Foods Program.

You can read more about it at the link here.

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