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FDA approves medication for food allergies

Posted: 02/23/2024

There’s a new allergen medication that was just approved by the FDA to assist in reducing the symptoms of allergic reactions. Xolair has been approved as treatment for over 20 years for people with persistent allergic asthma, and it was just approved for treatment of certain food allergies as well.

“Repeated use of the medication can help reduce the risk of allergic reactions, such as anaphylaxis, in certain adults and children as young as 1 after accidental exposure to foods such as peanuts, milk, egg and wheat.”

It’s important to note this is preventative medication, and not for use in emergency anaphylactic situations. But studies have shown that use of this medication can assist with accidental exposure and reduce the reactions to moderate – or no reaction at all – when the equivalent protein of 2.5 peanuts has been consumed.

To read more about it, please click this link!

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