Management Recruiting and Job Posting Services
"Your Online HR Office"

March 2024 Feedback

Posted: 03/28/2024

We love hearing how much you enjoy working with our team, and we wanted to share just a little from what we've heard this month! Thank you to our amazing team, and thank you to everyone who reaches out!


From a private class:

"I want to let you know that our instructor, Simon was EXCELLENT.  Simon was engaging, informative and very knowledgeable, we had many instructors before and he was just awesome 😊 So, Thank you, to you and your staff."


From a student looking to register for a class via phone:

“I want to say that as a customer of HRFoodSafe, I would like to tell you that this could not have gone smoother. You were extremely helpful and I give you an A+ for your customer service. You should tell your boss that you deserve more money because you are worth it!!”


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