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Major Food Recalls for early 2025

Posted: 02/14/2025

There have been a number of significant food recalls over the past month, so it’s time for an important Recall Round-up – all articles will be linked at the end for further reading!

Early January brought a baked goods recall that was update on February 7th to a Class II recall – temporary adverse health consequences, but low probability of serious health consequences. FGF Brands voluntarily recalled more than 2 million donuts and pastries (over 60 different baked goods) due to Listeria, some of which were Dunkin’ items. Along with Dunkin’ brand donuts, FGF brands produces ACE bakery goods, Stonefire products, and Simple Joys Bakery loaf cakes.

On February 7th, Tri-Union Seafoods out of California recalled 13 different pop-top canned tuna products due to faulty seals leading to botulism. Some stores where they were sold: Costco, Trader Joe’s, Publix, and Walmart. The FDA published the recall a few days later on February 10th, noting that there have been no reports of illness related to this recall. Consumers are encouraged to check their canned tuna. Products part of the recall should be thrown away, returned to the store for a refund, or reach out to Tri-Union directly.

Lastly, there is currently a major norovirus recall of oysters happening in the US. Oysters harvested in Louisiana between 1/10/25 and 2/4/25 are part of the recall including half shell, shucked, frozen, breaded, and post-harvest processed. Initial reports in the days leading up to the Super Bowl  - hosted in Louisiana - saw the recall affect local restaurants and football fans. On February 11th, the recall was expanded to 13 states as far away as Texas and Maryland. Consumers are advised to throw the oysters away – do not eat, and ensure that any surface touched by the oysters is thoroughly cleaned and sanitized.


Read more:

Donut Recall

Canned Tuna Recall

Oyster Recall - Super Bowl week

FDA Oyster Recall

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